Survival, Tracking, Navigation
Survival, Tracking, Navigation
If you do even the slightest amount of research you will find that humans are capable of extraordinary things during survival-related or otherwise tragic events. Most often the things that separates those that fall victim to survival related stress, and those who don’t, is proper mindset. Up until this point we have never put much information out on our youtube channel about this very important topic. That changes today.
When I wrote my book Extreme Wilderness Survival (due out march 2017 from Page Street Publishing) I included 5 entire chapters to the topic of mindset development. Obviously the most detailed information will be found in the book, so please consider purchasing when it comes available.
During the research phase I noticed how easy it is to connect mindset development for survival to similar mindset for business, sports, and home life. In this new series of videos that we are going to call either “Motivational Monday” or “Tomahawk Tuesday” our intent is to help you grow. Whether it be to develop your mindset for survival training, knock that contract out of the park at work, or develop the best relationships you can at home, these videos are for you.
Please consider sharing them with others if you feel they can benefit someone. I am new to teaching this type of material to an unknown audience through video. Usually I am speaking to a known group who contract us to come in and speak on such topics. So….offer some constructive criticism for us to make them better. Because at Nature Reliance School, we want you to come on, join in, and learn together!
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