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Self-reliance through hunting! Part 1

Self-reliance through hunting! Part 1

 This is another in the Manly Musings segment for The Survival Show Podcast.  

In this part 1 of 3, I discuss some of the reasons to consider hunting as a way of providing food for you and/or your family.  It includes my thoughts on: 

  • The hunter's paradox, why many hunters kill the things they love.
  • Venison as a superior organic protein source
  • Some of the great things I have seen from the deerstand.

Subscribe to the podcast and tune in later for part 2 which will cover some GREAT hunting stories, and part 3 where I will share my favorite venison preparation recipes and methods.  Listen in below. 

Previous article Podcast #13 - Nature Notes: Carl Linnaeus is my homeboy

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