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Building a Knife Sheath

168054_1746499633307_6587837_nI was asked back before Christmas to put together a knife sheath for a friend of mine.  He had been gifted a knife that had a beautiful handcrafted wood sheath to go along with it.  While it was quite beautiful, what I would consider a collector’s item, it was not conducive to meeting his needs.  One of his sons was wanting to wear the knife while doing cowboy action sports.  He needed a sheath that would keep the knife secure (very secure) while at the same time accesible to cut rope if the need arose.  

I was glad to help, sorta.  I enjoy doing leatherwork simply because it preserves a piece of the past.  Leather lasts well, and handles the elements well.  I will admit that it holds moisture on blades a bit too much.  However, if you take care of your equipment properly this should not be an issue either.  With all that said, I took the opportunity of me making the sheath to set up the camera and film the whole thing.  To your average person this will not be exciting, sit on your seat stuff.  To someone who likes the idea of making leather goods, I hope it serves to help you learn some things.  

I broke the videos up into three parts, because I myself got tired of listening to myself..the project took me a few hours over the span of two days.  This stuff is really fun and I hope you learn something from these videos.  If you have any questions…simply email or message us..we will do what we can to help you.  Also be aware that we teach leatherworking workshops from time to time.  So come on, join in, let’s learn together!

In the first video I discuss:

  • Tool Selection
  • Leather Selection
  • Sizing up the leather
  • Cutting the leather


In the second video I discuss and demonstrate:

  • “Wetting” the leather
  • Forming it on the knife
  • Methods for drying it
  • Punching holes
  • Thread and needle selection
  • Start sewing


In this third and last video I discuss:

  • I demonstrate attaching an ambidextrous sheath
  • Sand the sheath down
  • apply edge coat to it
  • and apply leather dye to 
  • offer a satisfied smile that I finished it.


So there you go!  I hope you enjoyed it and could follow it well enough to see what I was doing.  I hope it encourages you to try it yourself, or to come to one of our leather good workshops and get in on the action.  Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  Come on, join in, let’s learn together!



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