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Celebrity and Subject Matter Expert Endorsements for Craig’s Book

Celebrity and Subject Matter Expert Endorsements for Craig’s Book

Writing a book is a huge undertaking and one that brought me many surprises.  One of those was the process of gathering endorsements for Extreme Wilderness Survival by yours truly.

When I turned in the manuscript on May 30, 2016 to my publisher (Page Street Publishing distributed by Macmillan Publishing) the largest part of the book was complete and I was ready to take a breather.  I did that for about a day (I never have been one to set on my laurels) before I started into my other responsibilities of gathering endorsements for the book.

On the first day sans writing content, I put a list together of those that I wanted to attempt to get an endorsement from.  These were all individuals that I respect for various reasons.  Watch this video for details of who they are and more on how all this came about.  Please note that due to space in the book we did not have the opportunity to print in full the endorsements I received.  Therefore, below the video here you will find those endorsements in full.

Creek Stewart

  • Website:
  • Books:
  • Quote:  “Craig has managed to write one of the most densely-packed manuals of survival common sense I’ve ever read.  Clearly cultivated from countless hours in the field, this information can flat out save your life.  READ IT.  MEMORIZE IT.  SHARE IT.”

EJ Snyder

  • Website:
  • Quote:  “Craig Caudill has masterfully captured the art of Extreme Survival Considerations in such a way, that the everyday Joe or Joan can fully understand, appreciate, and learn from by translating what we in the Military believe are most important aspects of Survival by translating it so that civilians can better grasp those concepts. Craig’s way of relating the full impact of real world survival situations to the lessons that each section will place that lesson in the section of the brain’s memory bank, so that when you need it most… will be there for you! “Extreme Situations Require Extreme Actions!”

Tim Farmer

Mykel Hawke

  • Website:
  • Books:
  • Quote:  “I am happy to say, Craig Caudill’s Extreme Wilderness Survival is a great addition to the pantheon of books on the subject. Craig’s book covers not only the fundamentals of survival which everyone requires but it brings to the table new subjects traditionally reserved only for the military. These subjects such as patrolling, tactics, self defense and group survival are well warranted as being included into survival study and practice and there is a great likelihood in the modern era of over population and geo-political instability.Craig Caudill’s book is super read for all those interested in survival and is sure to get everyone thinking about some new aspects of the over all survival situation they may encounter and that is the most important factor, the first step of seeing a new need, then planning, preparing, studying and training in those additional areas not traditionally included in many survivalists daily skills sets. This book is a great intro to all things survival and tactical for the extremes.”

Jim Cobb

  • Website:
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  • Quote:  “Craig Caudill knows from hard-won experience what works and what doesn’t.  If I were in a true survival situation, I can’t think of another instructor I’d want by my side.”

Rodney Van Zant

Mike Hull

  • Website:
  • Book:
  • Quote:  “It is with great pleasure that I recommend Craig Caudill’s book “Extreme Wilderness Survival”.  Knowing Craig’s passion for outdoor adventure, helping others, and dedication to being self reliant with what nature has to offer he shares a solid knowledge on wilderness survival skills.”
c1Craig Caudill is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Nature Reliance School. He specializes in teaching outdoor related topics to include, survival, tracking go-bags, nature awareness and gun safety for private and public groups, and government agencies. Craig is a frequent  contributor to TV outlets, blog sites, magazines and is a popular online outdoor educator on Carbon TV,  and YouTube via the Nature Reliance
Craig’s first book, Extreme Wilderness Survival from Page Street Publishing, distributed by Macmillan Publishing will be available in March 2017.  Pick up the book, or join Craig in a class so he can help you be safe
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