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>> FREE Online Survival Course<<


Land Navigation: Mastering Maps, Compass, and GPS Level 1 - 3 Day

Original price $0 - Original price $330
Original price
$0 - $330
Current price $0

Learn to Navigate Anywhere with Confidence
Prepare to navigate the wilderness with precision and skill. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in map reading, compass use, and GPS technology, ensuring you can find your way safely in any environment. Land Navigation is the cornerstone for outdoor enthusiasts, search and rescue personnel, and anyone who values preparedness.

What You’ll Learn
This in-depth course focuses on the fundamentals and advanced techniques of land navigation:

  • Understanding Maps:
    • Learn about different types of maps and their applications.
    • Interpret map color schemes, symbols, and features.
    • Use map scales for straight and curved line distance measurements.
    • Navigate with gridline reference systems, tailored for various needs like SAR, military, or public use.
    • Source the best free and paid topography maps.
  • Mastering Compass Use:
    • Choose the right compass for your specific needs.
    • Learn how to read and use a compass with maps to measure angles, distances, and more.
    • Demystify declination and understand "true," "magnetic," and "grid" Norths.
  • Field Training:
    • Practice navigation in open fields, forests, and hills.
    • Test your skills with nighttime navigation scenarios.

Additional Skills Covered

  • Develop an accurate pace count for distance measurement.
  • Explore the best navigation apps and learn how to integrate them with traditional tools.
  • Apply your skills in mock scenarios to enhance real-world readiness.

Hands-On Learning in Real-World Settings
We begin with classroom instruction to build your foundation in map and compass use. Then, we move into increasingly challenging field exercises, allowing you to grow your skills in practical, hands-on scenarios. By the end of this course, you’ll have the confidence to navigate safely and effectively in any environment.

Why This Class?
The best way to survive is not to get lost in the first place. This course ensures you are prepared to confidently explore the outdoors while minimizing risks.

Course Gear List

Normal Practices and Gear Listing Requirements for Hands-on Multi-Day Classes

Class Normal Practices

  • Please bring your own camping equipment, food, and food preparation supplies.  A common hallmark of our classes is to share supplies when needed and sometimes even food.  This allows you to see how different pieces of equipment work and learn about new skills.   
  • Bring water for yourself.  A good guess is 1 gallon of water per person, per day you are there.  We will have extra if you underestimate your needs
  • No dogs allowed in any Nature Reliance School class. 
  • Unless otherwise noted in an email, please feel free to show up to weekend courses anytime after 4pm but NOT before. 
  • The exact location will be sent to those who register for a class.  For estimating travel before receiving those directions, please plan on driving to Frenchburg, KY.   
  • The recommended minimum age for this class is 13 years of age.  Younger children will be allowed only with special permission from the instructor cadre.  Please inquire at  
  • If you have any of our books and would like them to be signed, please bring them.  If you want to buy some for that purpose, then refer to this link.

Our Approach to Gear

Our approach to gear is simple.  For Level 1 classes we want you to be comfortable enough to make the learning experience as easy as possible.  For level 2 and above classes we want you to have increased your knowledge enough that you use less gear.  To save us some time in producing redundant listings for different classes, the following are our gear lists.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

For all classes we will have loaner equipment for use.  However if you go ahead and purchase some of these recommendations you can practice with your gear to get a feel for it and our feedback on how to use it.  For each of these listings, we are offering you our recommended choice.  Nearly all purchases listed here serve to support Nature Reliance School.  So any purchase you make will continue to allow us to keep class costs low.  If you already have this gear, by all means, bring it and use and learn more of its pros and cons.  Please note when available, we have offered you a list of items that will help meet various budgets.  They are listed as good, better, best.  If you do not have the requisite equipment for class instruction you can borrow ours.  However we dont have extra camping (tent, hammock, sleeping systems) to borrow.  

Please also note that for level 1 classes, and others, where we have a basecamp setup.  You will be parking about 100 yards or so from where most people camp.  So plan on packing with that in mind.  You are also welcome to camp at your car but it is a more exposed area.  Once you register for class you will receive a follow up email that details the location so you can have a good idea of what to expect when you arrive and setup.  

General recommendations for all classes:

  • Notebook and pencil/pen, 
  • A clipboard or similar for stable writing platform.
  • Day Pack (GoodBetterBest)
  • Basic First Aid Kit (we always have an extensive first aid kit on site for more involved issues)
  • Water container (Bottle or Bladder) also bring 1 gallon of water for drinking and food prep for yourself.
  • Head Lamp or Flashlight
  • Camera for photos (cell phones welcome)
  • Bug spray and sunscreen
  • Weather-related gear, we train rain or shine.
  • Sleep system of your choice (hammock, tent or tarp).  NRS has very few extra items and you can borrow, please contact us early if you want some of these supplies as they go quickly.
  • Food and food-prep supplies (you are responsible for your own food and preparation of it)
  • Personal toiletries and water for your use.  There is an outhouse on site but no running water.
  • Camping/Lawn type chair

These courses are done from a basecamp near your vehicle so feel free to bring extra equipment for comfortability.

  • You will definitely need a pencil in this class not a pen.
  • Reading glasses or your regular glasses if you use them.  
  • Compass (GoodBetterBest)  The best compass listed here is a lensatic (military-style), we will be using baseplate compasses in class for instructional purposes as listed in the good or better listing.
  • Download the Gai GPS app and the Caltopo app (for Iphone or Android), no worries if you do not carry a cell phone, you will learn in this small portion of class as well.
  • Non-metallic clipbard will be most helpful to you.  Clip can be made of metal just make sure board is plastic, fiberboard, or similar.
  • Two-way radio.  If you are brand new to wilderness navigation it will assist you to stay in contact with the instructors.
  • Seat cushion.  We do a fair amount of classroom work on picnic type benches.  A seat cushion will make it more comfortable.
  • Please note the need for a notebook and pencils in the general requirements listed above.
  • Gallon-sized re-sealable bag (ie Ziploc type bags) may be used if rainy weather during class.
Additional Course Information

All participants must complete and sign this liability waiver prior to attending this class.

Follow this link for our Class Cancellation Policy.