Survival, Tracking, Navigation
Survival, Tracking, Navigation
The story for this week’s Motivational Tomahawk Talk is adapted from a children’s story that was read to me in grade school nearly 40 years ago. It left an impression on me that has stuck with me for that long. I have searched for the book my teacher read it from, and it appears it is short story, usually compiled with others of a similar nature.
So yes it is a children’s story, but I think it is incredibly applicable in today’s world. You Star Wars geeks out there will recognize this quote. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Your buddy Yoda put that one out there. He was right.
My Christian friends will easily recognize 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity [fear], but of power and love and discipline.”
How does that all apply to survival training? To life training?
Certainly we should not live a life being fearful, as Yoda said it will lead to anger. As you can tell from this video. Anger will lead you places you do not want to go.
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