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  • Symbiosis=Mojo, Say What?
    December 12, 2019 Craig Caudill

    Symbiosis=Mojo, Say What?

    Symbiosis - a mutually beneficial relationship between different organisms, people or groups.

    Mojo - personal confidence and charisma as it relates to relationships.

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  • I dont know
    December 12, 2019 Craig Caudill

    I dont know

    .......there is a tremendous amount of ego floating around. Instructors who have no business teaching others, students whose own skill sets are over-inflated simply because they have a large social media presence, or something as simple as "little man's disease", false bravado, or something similar.
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  • Self-reliance through hunting! Part 1
    December 10, 2019 Craig Caudill

    Self-reliance through hunting! Part 1

    In this part 1 of 3, I discuss some of the reasons to consider hunting as a way of providing food for you and/or your family.  It includes my thoughts on: 

    • The hunter's paradox, why many hunters kill the things they love.
    • Venison as a superior organic protein source
    • Some of the great things I have seen from the deerstand.
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  • Podcast #8:  How to sleep better in the cold
    December 8, 2019 Tracy Trimble

    Podcast #8: How to sleep better in the cold

    In this episode Tracy and Craig discuss thermoregulation.   Big word for "how to stay warm".  We talk mindset, skills, tactics and LOTS of gear.  Another good one where you have two very experienced outdoorsman who sometimes do the same thing, and sometimes do things differently.  All the time we do what we can to help you learn from our successes and mistakes.    
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  • The Top 25 Life-Saving Survival Skills
    November 26, 2019 Craig Caudill

    The Top 25 Life-Saving Survival Skills

    From maintaining a positive mindset to knowing how to start a fire without matches, survival experts share their go-to advice for making the best of any bad situation in the wild
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  • A New Day is Dawning
    November 25, 2019 Craig Caudill

    A New Day is Dawning

    I am back.  For the numerous people around town who have asked where my “outdoors column” has been, I have an answer.  The short answer is I have been in the outdoors.  No surprise there, right?  Since I last chatted with you in the pages of The Winchester Sun there have been two important things happen to me as they relate to the great outdoors and the environment.  The first, is that I started the certification process to become a Master Naturalist through the University of Kentucky. The second is that in our fine community some eager and active people and organizations have started an environmental education coalition.  Yes, a new day is dawning, and I want to tell you a bit about these two situations.....
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  • Scientific Proof You Need To Be Outside
    November 21, 2019 Craig Caudill

    Scientific Proof You Need To Be Outside

    This is a repository of links to articles that share proof that being outside is good for you mind, body and spirit.  Join us for a class so we can help you be safe and enjoy, become enriched, and entertained by being outside. 
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  • Visual Mantracking
    August 25, 2019 Craig Caudill

    Visual Mantracking

    *Note from author – Due to space availability we abbreviated this piece in a recent newsletter.   I expanded upon it here to offer more and varied […]
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  • The BEST Survival Training
    March 10, 2019 Craig Caudill

    The BEST Survival Training

    Mindset, skills, tactics, and gear are puzzle pieces that make up any solid surival instructional curriculum.  Heck, not just survival, any sort of training progam.    […]
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