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Test your outdoor self-reliance knowledge with the "Tourist Test".

Test your outdoor self-reliance knowledge with the "Tourist Test".

Many people think retreating to the great outdoors must include driving several hours to a national park.  But have you given any thought about the "outdoors" that surrounds you every day in your neighborhood?  Craig walks the listeners through what he calls the Tourist Test.  This is a great way to see just how much you know about your immediate environment and is a great thought-provoking podcast. 



  • 0:26 Introduction
  • 0:47 Craig's Welcome in
  • 1:00 What is the Tourist Test
  • 1:52 Sponsors
  • 2:40 Get into the Tourist Test
  • 3:51 Tourist Test Begins
  • 10:31 Tourist Test Ends
  • 10:56 Closing
  • 11:13 Help Us Out


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LT Wright Handcrafted Knives; GAIA GPS; Exotac; Tuff Possum Gear; Titan Survival; Powertac Lights; Garage Fit


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