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30+ Backpacking Gear Tips

30+ Backpacking Gear Tips

The community that we call Nature Reliance School is much, much bigger than a handful of instructors.  We regularly have students who are experienced teachers of outdoor skills themselves.  Tali Hunt is one of those people.  Tali came to some of our classes to hone some skills she already had and to learn a new ones as well.   Tali is an avid backpacker who leads skill workshops and trips throughout the country.  She was more than willing to share some of her tips on gear for those that are interested in hiking, specifically backpacking, trips.  I also asked here to share three thrings:

  1.  Great places to hike in Kentucky (for all of our home peeps)
  2. Great place to hike outside of Kentucky (for all of you other fine folks)
  3. Her single most important piece of advice for someone interested in getting started backpacking.  You NEED to hear it, so please watch.

Tali stopped by during one of our Wilderness Safety and Survival – Level 1 classes.  Below the video you will see a listing of all the gear that Tali mentions.  Some of the links we put together are of the exact gear she mentions, other pieces are alternatives that we could find similar to what she has.

If you have any questions please post them on the youtube video and we will get them answered for you.

Here is the list we compiled, these are clickable links:

First aid (to many items to list here, see below for the highlights)
c1Craig Caudill is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Nature Reliance School. He specializes in teaching outddoor related topics to include, survival, tracking go-bags, nature awareness and gun safety for private and public groups, and government agencies. Craig is a frequent  contributor to TV outlets, blog sites, magazines and is a popular online outdoor educator on Carbon TV,  and YouTube via the Nature Reliance and Dan’s Depot channels. 
Craig’s first book, Extreme Wilderness Survival from Page Street Publishing, distributed by Macmillan Publishing will be available in March 2017.  Pick up the book, or join Craig in a class so he can help you be safe and enjoy the outdoors more.
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