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  • DIY Wheelbarrow Handles
    May 7, 2020 Craig Caudill

    DIY Wheelbarrow Handles

    "Value-added living" is a common phrase one of my mentors used to say to me on a regular basis.  His teaching point was for us to find ways to develop new skills or enhance old ones in daily life.  One way that....
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  • Wild Turkey Restoration Success
    April 21, 2020 Craig Caudill

    Wild Turkey Restoration Success

    As I write this for you, turkey season is upon us.  As you are reading this, I hope to be in the woods somewhere, either hunting turkeys, morel mushrooms, or both.  The fact that wild turkeys are abundant enough to pursue is a fantastic feat and cooperation between hunters, conservation groups, and dedicated biologists from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife (KDFWR). 
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  • NRS Discount Codes!
    April 19, 2020 Craig Caudill

    NRS Discount Codes!

    Lots of great discounts here only for the NRS family!  Take advantage of these when looking to buy outdoor and survival gear.
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  • The Four "Poisons" of the Mind
    March 31, 2020 Craig Caudill

    The Four "Poisons" of the Mind

    There are four poisons of the mind and each of those poisons can leave a person in a place where they can allow their thoughts to spiral out of control.  We should avoid these.  I will share each poison with you and some strategies that relate to COVID-19 that will help you overcome them.
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  • Harbingers of Spring
    March 11, 2020 Craig Caudill

    Harbingers of Spring

    Harbinger  - a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

    There are not too many people in rural America that do not have a family or friend that talks about the “signs”.  In this writer’s opinion......

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  • The Evolution of 12 Hard-Use Hatches and Axes - a "A Dirty Dozen"
    March 2, 2020 Craig Caudill

    The Evolution of 12 Hard-Use Hatches and Axes - a "A Dirty Dozen"

    When you pick up an axe for hard use, you pick up a piece that is part of a long line of history going back thousands of years.   Our ancestors had the habit of using both small cutting tools and large ones.  There is ample evidence to prove that it was the development of the axe that helped propel us forward into the world that we live in today. 

    Fast forward those thousands of years, and I find...........

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  • Gun Sales Fund Wildlife Conservation
    February 12, 2020 Craig Caudill

    Gun Sales Fund Wildlife Conservation

    f you enjoy seeing game and non-game species of wild animals, you should, at some point, thank a gun owner for it.  Gun owners, including hunters and non-hunters alike, provide....
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  • On Patriotism and Dog Poop
    January 8, 2020 Craig Caudill

    On Patriotism and Dog Poop

    I originally titled my latest article for The Winchester Sun the title you see here.   I also wanted to use the photo I have used here.  However, I knew my local paper would not like it. For good reason, they have standards of journalism that they adhere to maintain professionalism.  
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  • Look up, down, left and right
    December 18, 2019 Craig Caudill

    Look up, down, left and right

    Learning how to safely setup a shelter for camping, survival, or just a recreational hammock hang is easy to do...if you have a system to cover all the dangers.  This blog piece does exactly that.
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